Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Baby update..

My temp started today.  I am training her in all that is my world of work.  I'm starting her off slow and hoping she can catch all I throw at her an about a week.  I had my 37 week doctor appointment today.  She said I was 1 cm dilated.  This is the same as it was last week. Boo!  I am of course ever ready for this baby to come now that I have been able to relax having all the baby showers out of the way.  My reunion is out of the way, and my temp is in to start my work.  The baby room is ready..   So, so am I!     

 I received my custom thank you notes in the mail yesterday.I began on them last night but it is so tiring leaning over to write while sitting on the couch.  I will try to get more done tonight at the kitchen table after work.   Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful!  :)

I am aiming to leave work the 27th.   That will be when I am 39 weeks.   If I start feeling bad before then, then I will leave before, but I think I can last till then.  That gives me at least a full work week with my temp and still a week to rest before the baby is born (if he shows up right at 40 weeks).   We shall see!  

Oh yeah..  Jonathan traded in his car and we now have a car in BOTH of our names so it is OUR car.  I just love it!   It's an Expedition.  I don't have a picture of the exact one but I have but here is the color and model:

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