Friday, May 11, 2012


I stumbled across some beautiful portraits and wanted to post for inspiration so here goes:

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I have worked out every day this week!  A special thank you to my work-out partner, Dana.  Also, I have been dieting quite a bit!  I'm very proud of myself, as you can tell.  I may have only lost 2 lbs so far, but that is awesome news for me, since I had pretty much plateaued.  The diet has a few aspects to it. 
  • eat every 3 hours (to help raise metabolism)
  • lower calorie intake
  • lower carb intake
  • work out daily
  • try to get plenty of sleep
  • drinking water NON-STOP
  • taking vitamins
  • taking fiber chewable tablets (helps curb food cravings)
The foods I have been consuming are:
  • EAS low-carb protein shakes (100 calories!)
  • plain rice cakes with a wedge of spreadable laughing cow cheese on top (YUMMY)
  • turkey slices wrapped around a wedge of laughing cow cheese (even yummier)
  • homemade fruit and spinach smoothie (made of apple, strawberries, spinach, grapes, ice and water)
  • grilled chicken
I'll let you know if I lose all the weight I need to by Memorial Day.  That is our vacation to Cali!