Friday, May 27, 2011


 I am so glad it's Memorial Day Weekend!  There will be so many fun things to do this weekend.  Hopefully we can manage it without spending outside of our budget.  Last night we went to go see Hangover 2 with Kelley, Mark, Hellen and another guy...forgive me I forgot his name.  I remember him from Time Out though.  Also, the girl sitting behind us was none other than Lacey, who used to work at Time Out with me.  Small world.  The movie was eerily similar to the first one.  Maybe a bit too much?  It was absolutely HILARIOUS though.  I laughed my butt off! I think Alan really makes the movie.

          My mom just called me from Knoxville where she was helping watch my nephew Asher for a few days.  She said my sister was packing her car FULL to bring clothes and a few other baby items back for me.  **Awesome!!**    I will probably go by my parent's sometime this weekend to pick it up and see my family for a bit.

     Sunday is Kyann's birthday as well as Stefanie's birthday.  One's at Mikado's and one's at Sambuca.  Not sure what we'll do about that yet.  Hope everyone has a good weekend! ;)

PS- almost forgot.   Jonathan will be getting medically discharged due to his foot injury.  It's kind of a big deal.  It's what I call *a blessing* lol.   It is NOT fun being in the army.   At least this way he got his student loans paid off.  They will pay him out of his contract and he can start getting back into golf.  Jonathan has always taught golf for a living.  He has done so in Chicago, LA, & Miami.   His ultimate goal isn't to teach though.  He'd really like to see himself playing for a living.   Hopefully he will know sooner than later when he will be done with the army.  It may take up to a year for the discharge to be completed.  Just think no more commuting to Clarksville, TN. =D   I'm happy for him.  Hope his foot gets all the way better though one day. 

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