Dear Diary,
This is a tough time of the year for me. I just can't seem to help myself in vocalizing my deeply held political opinions. I at least feel confident in why I stand for what I do, staying abreast the current election topics and who stands for what.. I mean it seems like NO BRAINER to me... I still feel like one of the FEW in my area that feel this way. So, what I wonder is, am i fracturing relationships by FB posting about it? The flip side is, I know many people are impressionable. Many people around here don't watch the news or the debates and only know what their friends or family say. With so many people in TN pro Trump, I feel many need to see some of the information I am putting out there.. Plus, I know there are other Hillary fans out there. I don't want them to think they are alone. I don't want to lose the election and look back and think I should have tried to help.. I am with her. I know politics aren't going to help me drum up business, but that's where I stand. I'm not saying she is perfect. But if we are going to make a list and put Hillary on one side and Trump on the other.. well.. it's going to be PRETTY hefty on Trump's side for reasons he would not make a good President. Of course, all of this, is in my humble opinion.