Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Doctor Appointment Wednesdays

Yesterday was my 38 week mark!  Today was my weekly doctor appointment.  She did as usual checking my dilated state.   She said I was "trying to dilate" and not much more than I was before which was 1cm.   But, as we chatted she said it could still come at any time and all at once so there was no telling how soon or late it would be.    She said next week, if I hadn't gone into labor by then, she would schedule an induction date for about a week after my due date as a back-up plan.   She recommended a flu shot, so I went ahead and got one while there in the offce (wohoo that's 2 years in a row now for me!).  Jonathan said he already had his (through the army).  

My brother is going to come by our house tonight to let us borrow his carpet shampooer before the baby gets here.  YES, I want EVERYTHING sanitized to the fullest!!!  We don't have any rooms with carpet but we have several rugs, one of which is a big area rug we are keeping in the baby's room.  

We celebrated Jonathan's birthday by going to eat at his favorite place -Mafiaoza's last night and then ice cream at Sweet CeCe's.   Delish!!

I also got him a pair of the Merrill Barefoot shoes he had been wanting very badly. :)

By the way- you can e-mail me at to get in touch from now on.  I will not be checking my work e-mails ANYMORE!  

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Baby update..

My temp started today.  I am training her in all that is my world of work.  I'm starting her off slow and hoping she can catch all I throw at her an about a week.  I had my 37 week doctor appointment today.  She said I was 1 cm dilated.  This is the same as it was last week. Boo!  I am of course ever ready for this baby to come now that I have been able to relax having all the baby showers out of the way.  My reunion is out of the way, and my temp is in to start my work.  The baby room is ready..   So, so am I!     

 I received my custom thank you notes in the mail yesterday.I began on them last night but it is so tiring leaning over to write while sitting on the couch.  I will try to get more done tonight at the kitchen table after work.   Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful!  :)

I am aiming to leave work the 27th.   That will be when I am 39 weeks.   If I start feeling bad before then, then I will leave before, but I think I can last till then.  That gives me at least a full work week with my temp and still a week to rest before the baby is born (if he shows up right at 40 weeks).   We shall see!  

Oh yeah..  Jonathan traded in his car and we now have a car in BOTH of our names so it is OUR car.  I just love it!   It's an Expedition.  I don't have a picture of the exact one but I have but here is the color and model:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Baby Showers!

I have some wonderful family, friends, and co-workers!  My family had me a baby shower on Saturday and there was a great show of people.  I got my bedding, a pack-n-play, and all sorts of clothes and etc.   I had a baby shower at work yesterday and they all got me the stroller/car seat combo I had registered for!  (plus a lot of clothes and some extras!)  I am SO very thankful and the amount of stress these showers have taken off me is PRICELESS.   And to add to that I still have my shower this Saturday with all of my close friends that Nina is holding for me at her home, which is where I lived up until Jonathan and I moved together.  I am really excited to get to see all of my nearest and dearest during this time when I am NERVOUS and EXCITED and probably the HAPPIEST I have been in a long time.  It's just perfect :)

Ok, so here is my rant.  I have had on my mind a bit lately.  I know things like this shouldn't bother me but there are some people (just a few) that I was really there for them and yes maybe we have grown apart in the last year but seriously I have been living in Clarksville some of the time and pregnant the rest so I can't get out too much ya know?   Well there are these people who aren't coming to my shower.  It DOES hurt my feelings.  It also pisses me off. And I am quite sure I will hold a grudge against them forever. LOL   I guess I might be taking it a little too seriously but I feel like I have been to every one of my friends baby showers and birthdays and yada yada yada and if they can't show up to mine I am done with them.  I don't need their money or gifts but I'd like their time and a moment to at least RSVP and recognize that hey this is my FIRST baby.  And I am not the type to have a shower every time I have a baby. This is IT.  And if you can't be there for me.. then I'm a little upset about it.   OK, done venting.  =D